How climate change dried up a…

How climate change dried up a…

April 18, 2017 —Last August, a small group of scientists set out for some routine fieldwork at Slims River, which feeds Kluane Lake, the largest glacially fed body of water in northwest Canada’s Yukon Territory. When they arrived at the site of the fieldwork, however, the 15-mile long river had all but vanished, with only a thin trickle of water remaining where 10-foot depths had been common only a month before.The scientists reviewed satellite data and other measurements and found that the river had vanished over a stunningly fast four days – between May 26 and 29 – in an unprecedented modern example of a geological phenomenon known as “river piracy.”The scientists determined that the climate-change related receding of the Kaskawulsh Glacier, the…

IMF says pace of global economic…

IMF says pace of global economic…

Image copyright Getty Images The world economy seems to be gaining momentum, according the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. Writing in the IMF’s new World Economic Outlook, Maurice Obstfeldt said “we could be at a turning point”. The report forecasts global growth this year of 3.5%, up from 3.1% predicted in 2016.The UK’s economy is forecast to expand by 2% this year, stronger growth than any of the major developed economies apart from the US. The prediction for Britain this year is now only marginally below what the IMF predicted a year ago, its last full forecast before the Brexit referendum. The figure then was 2.2%. The revised forecast reinforces the picture of the British economy’s performance being…

Kelly to Homeland Security critics: Change…

Kelly to Homeland Security critics: Change…

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly offered a sharp rebuttal to critics of his department on Tuesday, challenging lawmakers who dislike its approach to immigration enforcement to change the law or “shut up.” Employees at the Department of Homeland Security, he told an audience at George Washington University, “are often ridiculed and insulted by public officials and frequently convicted in the court of public opinion on unfounded allegations testified to by street lawyers and street spokespersons.”Story Continued Below “If lawmakers do not like the laws that we enforce, that we are charged to enforce, that we are sworn to enforce, then they should have the courage and the skill to change those laws,” Kelly said. “Otherwise, they should shut up and…

Drinking gin speeds up metabolism

Drinking gin speeds up metabolism

Byline: Djenane Beaulieu Drinking gin can help speed up your metabolism. Scientists at Lativia’s University of Sigulda found it can help you burn calories for up to an hour. The researchers tested the theory on mice. According to Yahoo, they saw a 17% increase in metabolic rate. Apparently, gin has an “afterburn” effect that can boost the body’s ability to burn calories for a whole hour after you drink it. The main ingredient that causes this is juniper berries. They have lots of antioxidants and can help digestion. Inmedicine, juniper is used to ease inflammation in joints which is useful for people with arthritis. There’s bonus good new with all this. Gin is one of the lowest-calorie liquors with only…

No more TouchWiz jokes: Samsung’s software…

No more TouchWiz jokes: Samsung’s software…

I challenge anyone to receive a notification on Samsung’s Galaxy S8 and not be charmed by the elegant blue pulse of light that traces the contours of the phone’s gorgeous screen. This sort of subtlety, this sort of organic, emotive, instant appeal is not something I ever expected Samsung would be capable of. But the company once judged to have cynically copied Apple’s iPhone design has exceeded all expectations this year: the 2017 version of Samsung’s TouchWiz brings its software design right up to the high standard of its hardware. Good design is hard, and few companies know that better than Samsung. This manufacturing juggernaut spent most of its early days in the mobile industry just trying to keep up…

Australia slashes skilled-worker visas as Trump…

Australia slashes skilled-worker visas as Trump…

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the media in Sydney last year. (Rick Rycroft/Associated Press) Australia’s contentious “457” skilled-worker visa program will be abolished and replaced, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Tuesday. “We will no longer allow 457 visas to be passports to jobs that could and should go to Australians,” Turnbull said. “We’re putting jobs first, and we’re putting Australians first.” If the rhetoric sounds familiar, that’s because it is. Donald Trump campaigned against the U.S. version of the 457, known as the H-1B, calling it a “cheap labor program.” His attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has for years railed against H-1Bs and sponsored legislation, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), to effectively gut the program. Trump is reportedly expected to…

Huawei Watch 2 comes to the…

Huawei Watch 2 comes to the…

Google needs a good hero watch to show off its improvements to Android Wear. The Huawei Watch 2, which debuted earlier this year in Barcelona, looks like it’s aiming to be that watch. It’s finally available in the US starting today, along with a price: $300. The watch also comes with a 10-week extended trial of Google Play Music. Google’s music subscription service works in streaming or offline modes on the watch.The Huawei Watch 2 Classic, coming later this spring, will cost even more, at $370. In the US, neither model will come with cellular-enabled functions. Huawei Watch 2 is aiming for everyday fitness and includes a solid set of features: GPS, always-on heart rate, Android Pay capability when paired…

Harry Styles Opens Up About Famous…

Harry Styles Opens Up About Famous…

One Direction’s Harry Styles goes deep on love, family and his heartfelt new solo debut in our revealing feature. Theo Wenner for Rolling Stone January 2016. There’s a bench at the top of Primrose Hill, in London, that looks out over the skyline of the city. If you’d passed by it one winter night, you might have seen him sitting there. A lanky guy in a wool hat, overcoat and jogging pants, hands thrust deep into his pockets. Harry Styles had a lot on his mind. He had spent five years as the buoyant fan favorite in One Direction; now, an uncertain future stretched out in front of him. The band had announced an indefinite hiatus. The white noise of adulation…

How to set up a new…

How to set up a new…

For every Windows expert, the clean install is a time-honored ritual, a way to wipe out years of accumulated cruft and restore an old PC to new life. I went through this process with a four-year-old PC last week, a Dell XPS 18 whose performance was dragging. It had 8 GB of memory, more than enough for basic productivity tasks, but the vintage 5400 RPM hard disk had become a serious bottleneck.Fortunately, the prices of solid-state storage devices have dropped dramatically in recent years, so I was able to pick up a new SSD for a fraction of what it would have cost when this PC was new. After backing up the old hard drive, I could have restored a…