Did You Catch The Silver Surfer…

Did You Catch The Silver Surfer…

The first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok had all kinds of Easter Eggs hidden throughout, and many of them were to classic Marvel comics that fans have always loved. However, there is one nod to a fan-favorite character than many people seemed to miss. As the trailer was ending, Thor was unexpectedly pitted against the Hulk. When he realized his opponent was an old ally, Thor delivered the funniest line of the trailer. He exclaimed, “I know him! He’s a friend from work!” Regardless of their past, Hulk still attacked Thor, almost as if he had orders to do so. This moment was a direct throwback to a specific scene in the Planet Hulk comics.  When Hulk is thrown into the arena,…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer — What It…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer — What It…

Lesson one: Never be afraid to make people laugh when they’re not expecting it. There are, of course, multiple responses to the fact that the first trailer for Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok shattered records in terms of viewership in its first 24 hours. For example, it could be looked at as more evidence that trailers are, in general, getting more views more quickly these days: Stephen King’s It had almost 200 million views in its first 24 hours, and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast got 127.6 million in the same time period. Thor’s 136 million fits into that trend comfortably (and sets up the question of just how popular the Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer will be on its first…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer Is Marvel and…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer Is Marvel and…

People want their “Ragnarok”-n-roll. Marvel’s promise of a Thor vs. Hulk battle seems to have re-energized the Thor movie franchise. The trailer for Thor: Ragnarok, which was unleashed Monday by Disney, the parent company of Marvel, has garnered more than 136 million views in only 24 hours. It becomes the not only the most viewed Marvel trailer ever, but also the studio’s most viewed trailer ever across all its brands, which includes Disney’s live-action and animation divisions, Pixar, Star Wars, as well as Marvel. The Beauty and the Beast trailer was the previous 24 hour record-holder for Disney with 127.6 million views. Star Wars: The Force Awakens was viewed 112 times in that time frame. Captain America: Civil War held…

Thor Ragnarok’s Infinity Stone Revealed?

Thor Ragnarok’s Infinity Stone Revealed?

NOTE: This article contains potential SPOILERS for Thor: Ragnarok – For those keeping track of the confirmed Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, only the Soul Stone remains a mystery – and the first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok may have revealed it. Thanos is already setting out to collect the ancient and all-powerful gems from throughout the MCU, and with his Infinity War fast approaching, fans have known for some time that once Ragnarok arrived each and every Infinity Stone could be in the open… just in time for the cosmic supervillain to snatch them all up (or be gifted them by an overly ambitious, hopeful partner). Rumors have already offered some gossip about the potential location of the Soul Stone, but by…

That New Thor Trailer Proves Marvel…

That New Thor Trailer Proves Marvel…

WIREDThat New Thor Trailer Proves Marvel Really Knows What You WantWIREDThe first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok opens not with a bang, but with a wink: the Norse god of thunder in chains, cracking wise. “I know what you’re thinking,” he deadpans in the voiceover. “How did this happen?” Thor might be smart, but in this case he …’Thor: Ragnarok’ makes Marvel historyCNNThor Ragnarok: Will An Infinity Stone Destroy Asgard?Screen RantThor: Ragnarok Teaser Trailer [HD]YouTubeall 74 news articles »

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ makes Marvel history

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ makes Marvel history

Our favorite movie superheroes (and villains)Cate Blanchett plays Hela in “Thor: Ragnarok.” Our favorite movie superheroes (and villains)Robert Downey Jr. brought Tony Stark’s Iron Man to life in 2008. There have been two sequels, and Iron Man is a major star in “The Avengers” films. Our favorite movie superheroes (and villains)Brie Larson be take on the role of Captain Marvel in a film set to release in 2019. Larson won the best actress Oscar this year for her performance in “Room.” Our favorite movie superheroes (and villains)Our favorite movie superheroes – The first “Avengers” movie, released in 2012, is the third highest-grossing movie of all time — and its sequel, “Age of Ultron,” was released in May 2015. On Friday,…

Ragnarok Trailer? Nah — Planet Hulk…

Ragnarok Trailer? Nah — Planet Hulk…

In a case of a writer who’s really in tune with the characters of the Marvel Universe, Planet Hulk writer Greg Pak has hit social media to re-share a more than five-year-old tweet in which he accurately predicted the pop song that played in the background of today’s Thor: Ragnarok teaser trailer. CAN I CALL ‘EM OR WHAT? Check me out talking ’bout Thor’s fave karaoke song in 2011: https://t.co/MckbyP83Zr — Greg Pak (@gregpak) April 10, 2017 It might be just an amusing coincidence, of course, except for the fact that Pak managed to nail Thor’s “karaoke song” in a trailer based on a comic that Pak himself wrote, and is currently adapting into a prose novel in time for the movie’s release. There’s also the fact…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer — The Surprising…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer — The Surprising…

It’s time to visit the many times the Marvel hero has been separated from Mjolnir. For many, the most surprising moment from the first teaser trailer for Thor: Ragnarok isn’t the seeming destruction of Asgard, a rampaging Hulk or even Chris Hemsworth’s Thor with short hair — it’s watching Mjolnir, Thor’s enchanted hammer, literally fall apart. How can Thor manage without his beloved weapon? Turns out, he’s had quite a bit of practice in comic book lore. Unlike the cinematic Thor, the comic book Thor’s relationship to Mjolnir has been significantly more complicated at points throughout his comic book career. For the first two decades of the comic series, Thor couldn’t be physically separated from his hammer for more than…

In ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ teaser, Chris Hemsworth’s…

In ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ teaser, Chris Hemsworth’s…

Thor without his hammer? That can’t end well, can it?Chris Hemsworth’s superhero is having a seriously bad day in a new teaser trailer for “Thor: Ragnarok.” He’s stuck on the other side of the universe while a big problem brews back home in Asgard: New baddie-on-the-block Hela, played by Cate Blanchett, is doing her best to bring about Ragnarok — see what they’re doing here? — the destruction of Asgardian civilization. Coming between Thor and saving the world is a gladiator-style competition that includes, among other things, a familiar green face. If nothing else, it’s proof that “The Immigrant Song” makes everything awesome.With Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Jaimie Alexander as Sif, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and the Hulk, Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange, Idris Elba…

All the Comic Connections, Plot Details,…

All the Comic Connections, Plot Details,…

GIF Thor: Ragnarok’s teaser trailer, while clearly focusing on the first part of the movie, had a lot of great and important bits in it. A lot of them are related to the various comics connections this movie is pulling together to make one, big, delightful spectacle.Everything here is based on conjecture or things Marvel has released/allowed people to say. That said:GIF In case you were wondering how bad things are for Thor (Chris Hemsworth) at the start of this movie, the answer is: real bad. Also, we can track a lot of things based solely on Thor’s hair. It’s long and luxurious here, so it’s part of Thor’s initial meeting and loss to Hela (Cate Blanchett).GIF “Now, I know…