GOP Sen. Ernst says Trump should…

GOP Sen. Ernst says Trump should…

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, said Tuesday that she has “concerns” about the frequency of President Trump’s trips to his Mar-a-Lago residence and particularly about his use of the Palm Beach, Fla., venue to host foreign leaders. Ernst was holding a town hall in Wall Lake, Iowa, when a constituent inquired about the cost of Trump’s trips to the “Winter White House,” as Trump has called it. The president has spent seven of his 13 weekends as president at the estate. According to the Associated Press, cost estimates for each trip have ranged from $1 million to three times that. “I agree with you,” Ernst responded. “I do wish that he would spend more time in Washington, D.C. That’s what we have…

Trump should open White House visitor…

Trump should open White House visitor…

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to wall off White House visitor logs from public inspection has elicited strong protests from media and public interest organizations that promote government transparency. These protests are on firm grounding. Although governments have occasional and legitimate secrecy needs, in a democratic-republic the presumption generally is in favor of openness and the public certainly has a right to know with whom the president and staff are consulting on policy.Much can be learned about the president’s priorities and what goes into policy decisions by accessing records of those who visit the White House. It is also deeply meaningful to know whether the president and staff are consulting various perspectives on critical issues or whether they only are…

Elizabeth Warren Lays Out the Reasons…

Elizabeth Warren Lays Out the Reasons…

Then came the Trump upset. Now prominent Democrats need to figure out how to be effective leaders of the opposition — as the party’s base sees it, the resistance. Warren’s new book is in effect a manifesto offering one vision about how that role should be played. Is it persuasive? The answer is complicated.Warren lays out a position I’d call enlightened populism. She rails against the growing concentration of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite; argues that this concentration of economic rewards has also undermined our political system; and links unequal wealth and power to the stagnating incomes, growing insecurity and diminishing opportunities facing ordinary families. She puts a face on these stresses with capsule portraits…

Statins: Experts at odds on whether…

Statins: Experts at odds on whether…

This leaves experts debating over who should get these cholesterol-lowering drugs when it comes to 40- to 75-year-olds with no history of cardiovascular problems.”That’s a major change,” said Pencina.Over one in five Americans between the ages of 40 and 75 already take a statin to prevent an initial heart attack or stroke, the study estimated. Following either of the guidelines consistently would add millions to that list, and the ACC/AHA recommendation in particular would more than double it.Pencina said that much of the difference — 9.3 million people — includes those under 60 and those with diabetes. Some of these people may have a low 10-year risk, he said, but a relatively high 30-year risk.The guidelines “highlight many, many important…

Schools should start later to prevent…

Schools should start later to prevent…

Maybe he just needed an extra hour.(Photo: Antonio_Diaz, Getty Images/iStockphoto)Teenagers’ school days shouldn’t begin before 8:30 a.m., says American Academy of Sleep Medicine, linking early start times to car accidents, depression and poor academic performance.In a position statement published Saturday in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the sleep research group asserted that later start times aid peak alertness and performance while supporting better mental health and student safety.As teenagers enter puberty, their biological programming for sleep shifts later, the statement notes, causing a clash with early start times that results in sleep depravation.“Early school start times make it difficult for adolescents to get sufficient sleep on school nights, and chronic sleep loss among teens is associated with a host of problems, including poor school…

Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue doesn’t…

Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue doesn’t…

CLEVELAND — If Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue had things his way, LeBron James would leave his shot alone — even if his teammate Kyle Korver, one of the most efficient shooters in league history, is the one helping James change his free throw form.”I mean, I think he’s a decent free throw shooter,” Lue said of James before the Cavs hosted the Indiana Pacers on Monday in Game 2 of their first-round series. “I just think, don’t change. You’re the best player in the world, do what you do, have confidence doing it — that’s it. But he’s either going to miss or make them, but don’t keep changing. So what?”After shooting a career-low 67.4 percent from the line…

Why You Should Wait Before Buying…

Why You Should Wait Before Buying…

“What happened to the Galaxy Note raised questions about Samsung phones in general,” said Mark Spoonauer, the editor in chief of the product reviews site Tom’s Guide, who had early access to the Galaxy S8. “I don’t think there’s any harm in waiting to make sure that everything is safe with this phone.” Continue reading the main story Broadly speaking, a wait-and-see approach is the most practical route that consumers can take with any brand-new product. Waiting a few months or even years gives tech companies time to improve existing features and to fix bugs. The only reason to rush to buy a gadget is if you are extremely enthusiastic about it and think it might be sold out for…

Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue doesn’t…

Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue doesn’t…

CLEVELAND — If Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue had things his way, LeBron James would leave his shot alone — even if his teammate Kyle Korver, one of the most efficient shooters in league history, is the one helping James change his free throw form.”I mean, I think he’s a decent free throw shooter,” Lue said of James before the Cavs hosted the Indiana Pacers on Monday in Game 2 of their first-round series. “I just think, don’t change. You’re the best player in the world, do what you do, have confidence doing it — that’s it. But he’s either going to miss or make them, but don’t keep changing. So what?”After shooting a career-low 67.4 percent from the line…

Prince William Says Brits Should Drop…

Prince William Says Brits Should Drop…

Prince William has a message for his fellow Brits: It’s okay to let your emotions show. “There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip,’ but not at the expense of your health,” the royal dad says in a new interview with mental health outlet CALMzine. Though William and his brother Prince Harry and  aren’t running in the London Marathon this Sunday, they have been active participants in the lead-up to this year’s race through their work with their mental health campaign, Heads Together. In the same interview, Prince Harry looked back to his own experiences in the military, where he says the support soldiers have for one another is overwhelming, but often doesn’t include the emotional…

AFL-CIO: Tax reform should increase taxes…

AFL-CIO: Tax reform should increase taxes…

The AFL-CIO on Monday pressed its tax reform priorities, pushing back against concepts likely to be included in a Republican bill.The labor organization, which endorsed Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonAFL-CIO: Tax reform should increase taxes for wealthy Warren on Trump administration: ‘God, it’s like dog years’ Dems announce ‘unity commission’ members MORE in the presidential election, detailed its framework for tax reform in a memo to reporters ahead of Tuesday’s tax filing deadline. The framework makes the case for tax reform that results in high earners and corporations paying their “fair share” of taxes.President Trump and congressional Republicans have said they want to pass tax reform legislation this year. In the House, GOP lawmakers are working on legislation based on a…