206 individual right whales spotted in…

206 individual right whales spotted in…

A close up of that huge open mouth – can’t believe how small those dolphins look compared to the right whale! Photo taken during 4/12/17 aerial survey of Cape Cod Bay. CCS image, NOAA Permit #19315. From the Center for Coastal Studies… 206 INDIVIDUAL RIGHT WHALES SPOTTED BY THE CCS CREW YESTERDAY! Yep, that’s a whopping 40% of the entire global population in one day!  Also seen – are you ready for this? 25 fin whales. 24 humpback whales. 40 (40!) sei whales. 9 minke whales. 3 unidentified large whales, and 13 unidentified dolphins. Check out the photo from Center for Coastal Studies’ April 12 survey.  It’s a stunning image of a right whale feeding with dolphins.  (Expandable image below)

The 5 most intriguing individual matchups…

The 5 most intriguing individual matchups…

FOXSports.comThe 5 most intriguing individual matchups to watch in the first round of the NBA playoffsFOXSports.comThe NBA playoffs finally are here, and we won’t have to wait for a marquee matchup. The first round is giving us several scintillating showdowns, none better than the battle of MVP favorites in the Thunder-Rockets series. Here are our top five …Rockets without Harden are just as good as the Thunder with WestbrookWashington PostHouston Rockets Basketball News, Schedule, Roster, Stats – SB NationSB NationOklahoma City Thunder Basketball News, Schedule, Roster, Stats – SB NationSB Nationall 622 news articles »

Aetna to stop selling Iowans individual…

Aetna to stop selling Iowans individual…

CLOSE House Speaker Paul Ryan cancelled the vote on the GOP’s health care bill that would’ve replaced Obamacare, saying he could not get enough votes to support it. USA TODAYThe Healthcare.gov website, which sells individual health insurance that is eligible for Obamacare subsidies.(Photo: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.)A second major health-insurer has decided to quit selling individual policies in Iowa, raising fears that tens of thousands of Iowans will have no options for coverage next year.Aetna informed Iowa regulators Thursday that it had decided to stop selling such policies, which cover people who lack access to employer-provided coverage or government plans. The move would affect 36,205 customers, the company told regulators.Aetna’s move takes effect in January. It came three days…