United Airlines Debacle: Is it an…

United Airlines Debacle: Is it an…

Although blue skies are friendly for flying, United Airlines passengers need to heed the warning – “Caveat Emptor” – while at the gate before take-off. Passengers should be aware prior to booking a flight with United because the company has shown that its policies rule the day and passengers are not always right. United Airlines called the police when a passenger on the plane refused to give up his seat. By now, you may have seen videos of the United passenger by the name of Dr. Dao being dragged down the narrow aisle of the aircraft by police officers for not giving up his seat. What was United Airlines thinking? Dr. Dao was on flight 3411 from Chicago, IL to…

Amid Questions Over Its Culture, Uber…

Amid Questions Over Its Culture, Uber…

Photo Potential drivers signing up at the Uber office in the Long Island City section of Queens in March. Credit John Taggart for The New York Times SAN FRANCISCO — Uber’s corporate culture has been under fire. But the company is focusing on a different message for investors and employees: Business is soaring.The ride-hailing service, said on Friday that its gross bookings — or the amount of money it garnered from providing rides, excluding costs — rose to $20 billion in 2016, double the amount in 2015. Net revenue, or the amount of money Uber makes from rides after its drivers are paid, totaled $6.5 billion.Even as Uber continues to grow, spending remains brisk, and the company is not making…

Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games Release Dates…

Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games Release Dates…

During the Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo outed the release dates of several upcoming Switch games. Leading the pack are big titles such as Arms and Splatoon 2, but of course, there are a slew of other noteworthy games, including Disgaea 5 Complete, Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, Payday 2, and more. Arms Arms is scheduled for a June 16 release, and it’s one of the games that Nintendo is really promoting for the Switch. For the uninitiated, it’s a fighting game that uses a mix of motion and button controls, featuring characters with various extendable arms to hit their opponents. Aside from giving out a solid date, Nintendo also unveiled a new character named Min Min and a two-on-two mode. Splatoon 2…

At United Air and Wells Fargo,…

At United Air and Wells Fargo,…

The airline and banking industries may seem to be about as different as chalk and cheese, but leading companies in both have been shown to share a common bond: United Airlines and Wells Fargo have displayed toxic corporate cultures that can be blamed on the men at the top, their CEOs.One of those two, Wells Fargo’s John Stumpf, is gone, having resigned last October in the aftermath of the bank’s fraudulent account scandal. The other, United’s Oscar Munoz, only took office in September 2015. This week’s crisis over the airline’s violent deplaning of passenger David Dao to make room for a traveling crewmember was a major test of his leadership, and he flunked. Munoz’s response to the incident, like Stumpf’s…

Will Trump’s border wall suffer the…

Will Trump’s border wall suffer the…

The News / Mexico City WILL TRUMP’S BORDER WALL SUFFER THE SAME OUTCOME AS GOP HEALTH-CARE REFORM?  “After the repealing of the Affordable Care Act ‘exploded’ right in U.S. President Donald Trump’s face … the immediate question the healthcare failure aroused in Mexico was: when will the projected border wall’s plan blow up?” writes Ricardo Castillo. “The answer lies in an old mystical Sufi adage that says when you have an enemy, sit back and wait until he passes, in a coffin…. Still you hear some of Trump’s voters shouting ‘build that wall’ but there are other reasons why this forever-unrealistic venture will continue to crumble…. [F]or the first time in these two months, President Trump had to swallow his…

How Much Does The Nintendo Switch…

How Much Does The Nintendo Switch…

The Nintendo Switch is estimated to cost $257 to make, and interestingly enough, that’s not far off from the $299.99 MSRP.The console is not exactly a simple device. It’s got a pair of Joy-Con controllers, it turns into a handheld device in a snap, and so on, but everyone probably knows that already. Nonetheless, those features give a good idea of the work that went into it. Switch Costs $257 To Make, Sells For $299.99 Japanese teardown company Fomaulhaut Techno Solutions dismantled the Switch and determined the cost of each piece it has under the hood, from the innards of the console itself to the Joy-Con controllers and charging dock. To break things down, the Nvidia Tegra processor, the dock, and…