NASA Livestreams 360-Degree View Of Rocket…

NASA Livestreams 360-Degree View Of Rocket…

YouTube Updated at 11:15 a.m. ET A resupply rocket took off from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Tuesday, and anyone with a computer, smartphone or virtual reality headset can experience it as if they were right on the launch pad. That’s because there was a special 360-degree camera installed near the base of the Atlas V rocket en route to the International Space Station. “The camera will stream video that you can manipulate,” Rick Glasby of member station WFIT reports. “You can rotate the image, in real time, in a full 360-degree panorama. The video will continue through countdown and launch and until the rocket is out of sight.” NASA worked in coordination with Orbital ATK, which makes the Cygnus spacecraft…

A Staffer Remembers Obama’s White House…

A Staffer Remembers Obama’s White House…

Alyssa Mastromonaco sits with President Barack Obama aboard Air Force One in 2012. Mastromonaco served as the president’s director of scheduling and advance from 2009 until 2011, then became his deputy chief of staff for operations from 2011 until 2014. Pete Souza/The White House hide caption toggle caption Pete Souza/The White House Alyssa Mastromonaco sits with President Barack Obama aboard Air Force One in 2012. Mastromonaco served as the president’s director of scheduling and advance from 2009 until 2011, then became his deputy chief of staff for operations from 2011 until 2014. Pete Souza/The White House Former Obama staffer Alyssa Mastromonaco is well acquainted with the privilege — and sleeplessness — of working in the White House: “I basically ran…

Hounded By Budget And Technical Woes,…

Hounded By Budget And Technical Woes,…

Financial challenges are causing NASA to most likely postpone its first two exploration missions to Mars — EM-1 and EM-2. The impending delay was announced by the agency’s Office of Inspector General. NASA officials also state the agency’s plan to send astronauts to Mars has met technical difficulties as well. Initially scheduled for November 2018, the two launches of the Orion spacecraft aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) will probably have to wait a while longer, as NASA strives to overcome the hurdles of preparing for the intrepid journey to the red planet. EM-1 And EM-2 The first exploratory mission to Mars, EM-1, is currently set to send the Orion capsule — which will be unmanned during its first mission — into lunar orbit…

Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks April 22…

Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks April 22…

The time of the year to watch the skies for the Lyrid meteor shower has come. It meteor shower on a low key note on April 16 and will last until April 25. For the 2017 edition, the peak will happen on the night of April 22 and the morning of April 23 and theoretically it will be through April 24. The dazzling spectacle of shooting stars playing out in the night sky is an enthralling delight stargazers look forward to every April. Skywatchers may get to see at least 20 meteors in an hour during peak hours. Those in the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe, will see the light show vividly. Watching away from light pollution and when the sky is…

‘Girls’ Finale Leaves New York, Most…

‘Girls’ Finale Leaves New York, Most…

Lena Dunham in the series finale of Girls. Mark Schafer/HBO hide caption toggle caption Mark Schafer/HBO Lena Dunham in the series finale of Girls. Mark Schafer/HBO HBO’s Girls ended as it began — as a fitful, contradictory, occasionally irritating, often brilliant little story about a stupendously self-involved Millennial girl who just might be on her way to figuring out what it means to be a woman. That’s not the kind of Big Idea we normally expect from TV shows that have gotten as much attention and acclaim as Girls, but in a way it fits the show’s subversive spirit — roping TV fans into caring about the evolution of an entitled, perpetually awkward woman in the same way they parse…

In Portugal, Drug Use Is Treated…

In Portugal, Drug Use Is Treated…

Gandelina Damião, 78, lost three children to heroin in the 1990s. She says she wishes methadone clinics and other government-sponsored drug treatment had been available to her children before they died. Lauren Frayer for NPR hide caption toggle caption Lauren Frayer for NPR Gandelina Damião, 78, lost three children to heroin in the 1990s. She says she wishes methadone clinics and other government-sponsored drug treatment had been available to her children before they died. Lauren Frayer for NPR Gandelina Damião, 78, is permanently hunched, carrying her sorrow. She lost three children to heroin in the 1990s. A quarter century ago, her cobblestone lane, up a grassy hill from Lisbon’s Tagus River, was littered with syringes. She recalls having to search…

New Measles Case Confirmed In Minnesota:…

New Measles Case Confirmed In Minnesota:…

Minnesota is having a tough time dealing with the increasing number of measles cases. The disease is primarily affecting young children who are not vaccinated. On April 14, Minnesota health officials recorded an additional five cases of measles affecting children in the Hennepin County, taking the total to eight. According to a new report, health officials confirmed a ninth case of measles in Hennepin County. It is expected that the number will increase significantly in the near future. Measles, which was reportedly eradicated from the United States in 2000, has seen a significant increase in the country over the past few years. Measles Outbreak: Source And Main Reason Most of the affected children belong to the Twin Cities Somali-American community and…

‘Shattered’ Picks Through The Broken Pieces…

‘Shattered’ Picks Through The Broken Pieces…

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Andrew Harnik/AP hide caption toggle caption Andrew Harnik/AP Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Andrew Harnik/AP Ever since last November’s election night, millions in America and around the world have wondered what happened to Hillary Clinton, who was widely expected to become the first woman president of the United States. In fact, nearly everyone in the business of politics thought she would win –-including many of Trump’s own people. So: How did she lose? Providing that answer is the mission accepted by Jonathan Allen and Amie…

Nonprofit Linked To Pharma Lobby Works…

Nonprofit Linked To Pharma Lobby Works…

An organization campaigning against foreign drug imports has deep connections to the lobbying group PhRMA, which includes Eli Lilly, Pfizer and Bayer. Bill Diodato/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Bill Diodato/Getty Images An organization campaigning against foreign drug imports has deep connections to the lobbying group PhRMA, which includes Eli Lilly, Pfizer and Bayer. Bill Diodato/Getty Images A nonprofit organization that has orchestrated a wide-reaching campaign against foreign drug imports has deep ties to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, the powerful lobbying group that includes Eli Lilly, Pfizer and Bayer. The nonprofit, called the Partnership for Safe Medicines, has recently emerged as a leading voice against Senate bills that would allow drugs to be imported from…

Supermassive Black Holes First Image Took…

Supermassive Black Holes First Image Took…

Black holes have always been seen in books and not on actual images because it is still impossible to have an actual image of it. But the researchers have found another way that can collect an image called the Event Horizon Telescope Arrays, which uses some series of radio receivers that can collect data across the different continents. According to National Geographic, researchers have been observing the sky for five nights through Event Horizon Telescope and on the final observation, the researchers have finally captured the first image of a black hole. The supermassive black hole is called Sagittarius A* that lurks in the center of the Milky Way that quite heavy with a mass of 4 million times of…